Allow me to re-introduce myself.
My life has completely transformed since I last blogged. In August of last year I was living in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I have since moved back to the US after receiving the biggest promotion of my young career. Any time you move, it puts your life into upheaval, and I had to put One Blood down for a while to reaclimate myself to the US after 2 years living overseas. It's amazing how far this book has traveled with me.
I began writing One Blood in January 2000. At the time I was living in Tallahassee, Fl. Since then I have moved overseas twice and all over the eastern seaboard from Philly to NJ. My professional career has blossomed. I've married and divorced.
Now it's nine and a half years later. I'm a far cry from the 23 year old idealist who decided to write a book out of thin air. I'm more educated about the writing process, the editing process, and the publication process. I've poured countless hours into this project, honing my voice, ramping up the suspense, rounding out my characters. I can honestly say this book is as good as I can make it.
Now my fate lies in the hands of the agents, editors, publishers, sales and marketing folks, and booksellers. The best decision I made was not to self-publish. Self-publishing is an attractive option to many people, but I know I wouldn't have put nearly as much into the story as I have if I could just pay someone to put my words in print.
So here we go again. I recently attended the Book Expo America conference in New York at then end of May. I pitched 6 agents and for the first time felt genuine excitment about my book. I attach for your reading pleasure, rejection # 16. I'm getting closer!!!
Dear Mr. Amaru:
Thank you for following up on our conversation at the Writer's Digest Books Writers Conference. I recall that you categorized your manuscript as a supernatural thriller, and I wonder whether it could also be termed urban fiction. Without a brief bio, I can't assume this is your first effort to find a publisher for your work. However, if that does happen to be the case, you might be well served by a reputable small publisher whom you can approach directly with a query or submission. Most independent publishers accept direct (unagented) queries, and while some might not have the cachet of a major adult trade publisher, they're a good place to launch a writing career. With a book contract from a publisher, you can join the Authors Guild and obtain free legal advice, and of course you'd have no trouble getting an agent to negotiate your contract at that point.
Although your work is not quite what I'm seeking, I'd be happy to send you a list of a few small publishers that you might research further for exact submission guidelines and then contact directly. I can do that if you let me know which handful of categories might fit your novel, such as paranormal, thriller (you've mentioned), urban fiction, etc. I won't be able to give you an exhaustive list of publishers to consider, but perhaps it would be a start. I should point out that if you're determined to sell this book through an agent, you should not contact publishers on your own.
If I don't hear back from you, I'll assume you have an offer from another agent. I sincerely hope that will be the case. You're a good writer.
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
~Herm Albright
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